Beta Reading (for fiction writers)

If you need a skilled reader’s response to your story, characters, and plot then this service can help.

I will read your novel and provide you with one to three pages of feedback focusing on my reactions to the plot, characters, theme, pacing, setting, how well the story fits its chosen genre, and/or anything else I notice while reading. This service differs from developmental editing as the feedback will focus purely on my reactions to the story, without offering solutions to any problems I might note while reading (if, instead, you’re interested in a developmental edit, you can view that service here).

The fee for this service varies depending on the length of the manuscript.

For novels between 70,000 and 90,000 words the fee is £200.

For novels between 90,000 and 120,000 words, the fee is £230.

For novels longer than this, please contact me for pricing.

If you later decide you want a developmental edit or critique of your novel, the fee for beta reading can be deducted from the cost of an edit.