Developmental editing for fiction writers, proofreading for both fiction and nonfiction
I help fiction writers strengthen their storytelling skills, and both fiction and nonfiction authors prepare their work for publication.
After working with me, you’ll:
have a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your writing, and how to improve any weaker areas .
know what you need to do to take your current draft to the next level.
feel confident about the next step in your writing, revision, or publication process.
Hi, I’m Kendra.
I’m a developmental editor and proofreader.
I help writers, both new and experienced, to hone their craft and publish their best work.
Developmental editing
Manuscript critique
Beta reading
Book coaching
Query letters, synopses, and submission packages
Outline review
A selection of books I’ve developmentally edited
“I’ve worked with other editors over many years and Kendra has a rare mix of qualities necessary for effective structural/development editing: positive support, attention to detail, truthfulness, and the ability to identify the layers below the surface of the work.”
—Virginia King, author of the Selkie Moon Mysteries