The difference between a beta read, a manuscript critique, and a developmental edit
I've had a couple of people ask me what the difference is between a beta read, a manuscript critique, and a developmental edit, so I thought I'd put together a few bullet points about each, in case they're helpful.
Beta read:
Focuses on the reader's response to the story
Not about providing solutions/potential solutions
Author has to deduce from the reader's responses where the story might be going off track and how to make it stronger
Manuscript critique:
All feedback given in the form of a revision letter/report
May include fewer passes than a developmental edit (a pass is a read through by your editor)
Broader guidance
Good for authors with a little more experience/writers who are comfortable with revision
Developmental edit:
Comments on the manuscript plus a revision letter
Two or more passes (reads)
More specific feedback (editor will point out exactly where changes need to be made, wherever possible)
Often includes a short coaching session to discuss revision
I should add that these are my definitions and that other editors (and beta readers) may describe them slightly differently.
Also, any of these services can be tailored to suit the needs/wants of the writer.
If you’d like to discuss a beta read, manuscript critique, or developmental edit of your novel, I’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch with me by clicking the button below.